A Historic Concert


The key point of this concert is to put two of the biggest cultures of the world next to each other: Europe and China.

Music is often said to be universal, this concert intends to prove it.
We will show how European and Chinese music evolves along each other.

History does not develop itself in a straightforward way.
European classical music could be characterised as an intellectual and spiritual process of innovation, while Chinese classical music develops itself through ever growing refinement, differently according to the era when it was performed.

Both have centuries old tradition. The extremely rich cultural heritage is illustrated by the monumental examples of the art of music: on the European side, J.S.Bach, Beethoven, Franck and Schnittke, while on the Chinese side we show how the 1000 year old tradition of Kun Qu opera has spread throughout different dynasties (Ming, Tang and Sung) in such a vast country.

European music goes from 'old' to 'new', while Kun goes from 18th Century to 8th!

*J.S. Bach, sonata No.4 C Minor BWV 1017 : Siciliano & 4th Allegro Early 18th Century

*Opera “Peony Pavilion” / waking from a dream 16th Century - Ming Dynasty
昆曲“牡丹亭/惊梦 (16世纪明朝)

*Ludwig van Beethoven sonata No.5, opus 24 : Allegro Early 19th Century

*Opera “Peony Pavilion” / looking for a dream /monologue 16th Century - Ming Dynasty

*César Franck sonata in A Major : Recitativo-Fantasia & Allegretto poco mosso Late 19th Century

*Opera “Jade Hairpin” / Chao Yuan song 12th Century - Sung Dynasty

*Schnittke sonata No.1 : Allegretto scherzando Mid 20th Century
施尼特凯一号奏鸣曲:第四乐章 (20世纪中)

*Ancient tunes / Yang Guan Farewell 8th Century – Tang Dynasty
古调/阳关三叠( 8世纪唐朝)

We produced this for the Shanghai China International Arts festival with
Yu-Fen Chang, Piano
张玉芬, 钢琴
Yili Shen, KunQu Diva
昆曲艺术家 沈昳丽
Lana Trotovsek, Violin
拉娜 . 特托夫斯克, 小提琴
Qian Yin, KunQu Musician
昆曲演奏家 钱寅
Special thanks to
KunQu Creative Director: Liheng Lee
昆曲创意导演 李立亨
KunQu Creative Producer: Yijie Li
昆曲创意制作人 李逸洁
Co-presented by Shanghai KunQu Opera Troupe
协办单位 上海昆剧团
